
The Apple iPad makes a great way to carry several books on a small 1.5 pound device rather than carry several heavy books wherever you go. The large memory of this device makes it the perfect device for college text books. College books on the iPad have several advantages over the traditional textbook.

rent textbook

Textbooks on the iPad allow the student to electronically highlight important pieces of text. In addition, the iPad has the capability of recording lecture notes. The search feature which is included allows students to find passages quickly.

Many textbook publishers have already begun to publish electronic versions of their textbooks. Currently many books are already available for use on the Kindle and it is expected that iPad versions will be available for just as many of the books. One complaint of many students is that there is little savings afforded by the e-books. At least one website, however is offering unlimited downloads of textbooks as well as any other books on the site for a one time membership fee with no per book download fee.

One of the greatest advantages of using electronic books is that they are easier to transport from place to place. Most traditional college books are quite heavy and carrying two to three of these books across campus can cause students to have back problems. No matter how many books are stored on the iPad, the weight never changes.

Before making a decision about purchase of textbooks in electronic form, you should check with the policies of the university as well as your individual professors. Use of electronic devices may not be allowed during certain exam periods. There may be certain classes where you will want to have a hard copy of the book.

College textbooks on the iPad are one great possibility. Many publishers are making the electronic versions available. The iPad provides an excellent way to carry books across campus.

textbook rental